MoonLight - "Lucifer´s Rising" (2012). Mestres da Escuridão. Black metal cativante vindo do México. Totalmente destruidor para Fãs de Dark Funeral e Marduk, mas possuem uma essência própria!!! Indispensável! Um album repleto de riffs massacrantes. Vale muito a pena. Item Raro! Faixas 1. Useless Redemption. 2. Fake Emperor. 3. The Pest. 4. Doomed. 5. In Partibus Infidelium. 6. The Reign of the Damned. 7. Regnum Irae. 8. Darkness Within. The 3rd Opus of MOONLIGHT was recorded during Winter 2010 and Autumn 2011 in Leon, Mexico. Mixed and Mastered at Sound Cool by Ishtar, The Vocals and Bass were recorded at Meph Studio by Mephisto, Guitars were Engineered by Mantus. All the music was created by Ishtar along with the Coverart and Layout. MoonLight is: Lord Ishtar - Vocals, Guitars and Drums Lord B. Kephas - Bass
MoonLight - Lucifer's Rising